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Who is Shawn Chidiac (MPAD)

Hey there, I'm Shawn Chidiac.

Ever since I can remember, I've been utterly captivated by the magic of comedy. It's not just a passion; it's the very essence of who I am. I've been incredibly fortunate to transform this love for humour into my livelihood. My comedy journey all began when I decided to tackle the seemingly impossible: making my very serious, very stoic mother crack a smile. I mean, the woman had a professional resting poker face, So once I achieved that feat, I was hooked! It was crystal clear from that moment on—making people laugh was what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.

Let me introduce you to my website! Here, you will find three things: 1- All news related to my standup shows, 2- exclusive content and 3- My Merch!

Let me introduce you to my main shows. First up, there's "The Comedy Kitchen," a project that's incredibly close to my heart. This monthly show hosted by me isn't just about standup; it's a cozy gathering where comedy lovers come together. Whether you're a new comic testing the waters, a seasoned pro trying out fresh material, or simply someone with a funny bone itching for stage time—everyone's welcome. We create a warm, inviting space where laughter flows freely, and camaraderie is the special ingredient.

Then there's "The Sh!t Show." it's an evening crammed with more energy than a squirrel on an espresso binge. We kick things off with an opening musical act, followed by a comic opener. Next up, there's a 15-minute performer who's so funny that even dad jokes feel threatened. And, to wrap it all up, yours truly takes the stage as the ringmaster of this comedy circus.

My comedy isn't just about punchlines; it's about sharing genuine, relatable stories that resonate with the human experience. So whether you catch me live on stage, dive into my online content, or simply want to connect with my everyday humour, you're in for a treat. Stay tuned! After all, sharing laughter isn't just what I do—it's what I love, and I can't wait to share it with you!